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2016 – MX-5 – General Information


Electric current

A (ampere)

Electric power

W (watt)

Electric resistance


Electric voltage

V (volt)


mm (millimeter)

in (inch)

Negative pressure

kPa (kilo pascal)

mmHg (millimeters of mercury)

inHg (inches of mercury)

Positive pressure

kPa (kilo pascal)

kgf/cm2 (kilogram force per square centimeter)

psi (pounds per square inch)

Number of revolutions

rpm (revolutions per minute)


N·m (Newton meter)

kgf·m (kilogram force meter)

kgf·cm (kilogram force centimeter)

ft·lbf (foot pound force)

in·lbf (inch pound force)


L (liter)

US qt (U.S. quart)

Imp qt (Imperial quart)

ml (milliliter)

cc (cubic centimeter)

cu in (cubic inch)

fl oz (fluid ounce)


g (gram)

oz (ounce)

Conversion From SI Units

  • All numerical values in this manual are based on SI units. Numbers shown in conventional units are converted from these values.

Number of Digits for Converted Values

  • The number digits for converted values is the same as the number of significant figures*1 of the SI unit.

  • For the torque value, the number of significant figures is, in principle, 2 digits, in consideration of market practicalities. However, if the number of decimal places at the upper and lower limits of the converted value differs, the one with least number of decimal places is used. In addition, if the integer part is 3 digits or more, the integer part becomes the significant number of figures.

The number of significant figures is the number of digits from the left-most non-zero digit to the right-most digit including 0. (Example: 0.12 is 2 digits, 41.0 is 3 digits)

Converted Value Rounding Off and Rounding Up/down

  • If there is no tolerance in the SI unit value, after conversion, rounding off is to within the number of significant digits.

  • If there is tolerance in the SI unit value and the figure after conversion indicates the upper limit, the number of digits is rounded down to within the number of significant figures. If it indicates the lower limit, they are rounded up to within the number of significant figures.

  • Even if the SI unit value is the same, the converted value may differ based on whether that value is the upper or lower limit.

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